About Us
What is a Boren-Simon PowerNewt Astrograph
Solid, powerful, reliable.
A friend to make your every moment count - at least twice as much (compared to any F/4 fast scope)...
The Boren-Simon PowerNewt Scopes finally make super-fast imaging affordable to DSLR and CCD imagers alike.
Devaloped by veteran astrophotographers Boren and Simon, this beauty has all it takes to push the fun up to the next level.
Super fast, flat field, pinpoint stars, shorter exposures, better guiding and much deeper than you've ever experienced before.
At $2,199 the Boren-Simon PowerNewt pushes astrophotographers' performance to a realm never before reasonably affordable !  

How does it work
We've incorporated  a special 4 element corrector into the optical path - providing the F/2.8 coma-free flat field required for fast and reliable astro-imaging. The corrector and focuser/drawtube have been modified and then integrated to seamlessly work together.
Field correction of more than 25mm diameter allowing ASP-C size chips (Canon EOS) to be corrected to the edge of the field
(see our SPECS & COMPS page  and IMAGE GALLERY for zoom-in demonstration and field coverage drawing).
Canon EOS DSLR's are plug-and-shoot - no adapters nor any special preparations needed.
Collimation is fast and simple - just use your preferred, normal, method and you're all set.
Can be used as an f/4 (corrector out) or F/2.8 (corrector in) or F/8 (optional 2" Barlow Lens).
The 55mm distance from the corrector to the  camera can be used for a filterwheel or other accessories.